Carla grew up in Osler, Saskatchewan and graduated in 1999. She worked for a few years and then got married and started a family. Staying home with the children while they were growing up was her priority; once they were school age, she worked at the school they attended as an Early Childhood Educator.
After working several other jobs, she decided to further her Education in Administration and completed the Administrative Assistant Course in 2016. She has worked in the administrative field since then and has been with Boehm’s Physiotherapy since February 2022. She loves dealing with the clients and believes that the front desk is a vital part of the clinic.
When Carla is not working at the clinic, she likes to: sing with the Church worship team, work out at the gym, cook/bake, and go for evening walks with her husband. She takes pride in watching their sons grow up and is excited to see where life takes them.