Cold Laser Therapy is a modality used in physiotherapy. A modality is something that creates optimal healing effects by improving circulation or bringing nutrients to an area that is injured or recovering. Cold Laser Therapy by Theralase is a painless therapeutic laser that delivers an optimal dose of light to the injured structure. Light is absorbed by every cell in the body and is used to energize each of the cells’ healing abilities. This is particularly effective in nerve and cartilage cells, which have poor circulation, making them heal slowly. The light energy can be absorbed quickly from the cold laser and this reduces the amount of healing time that is normally present for these types of injuries. The energy absorbed essentially supercharges the cells that need to heal and creates a near-instant effect of reduced pain, swelling and tightness within a few treatments. Many professional sports teams are using these to assist in decreasing rehabilitation times in their professional athletes. At our clinic, our patients deserve the same expertise to assist in healing all types of injuries.