The key to proper physiotherapy treatment is an accurate physiotherapy assessment to first determine the source of the problem. This involves a brief conversation regarding the history of your injury and its response so far. This is done in order to map out which areas of the body to fully assess and understand their relation to the problem. Once we have finished assessing the targeted areas we have the information to find the real source of the injury.
The assessment is a 60-minute session, in which the patient is interviewed first and then a careful examination is done to understand the location and source of the injury. It can include education regarding resting postures, anti-inflammatory measures, activity modification, and safety precautions. The patient will leave with a better understanding of their injury and where to start. Very importantly, we will establish goals that the patient has for their recovery and build this into each person’s treatment plan, which will be discussed. These goals will be the primary focus of our patient’s physiotherapy experience.
From an accurate assessment, an individualized treatment program that takes into account your goals and objectives from post-injury activities will provide a working plan for your physiotherapist and you to begin navigation towards resuming your goals. This assessment is the starting point of your journey back to health.